Friday, February 13, 2015

The Law Office of Ray Ybarra Maldonado, PLC

    The Law Office of Ray Ybarra Maldonado embodies its mission of "reuniting families and keeping them together" by treating individuals that come in for service as if they were part of the family, instead of treating them like clients. this mission is what has made the office so successful, and future clients are most often referred by past clients that were satisfied with the treatment and respect they received.the office primarily focus is on Immigration cases. The specialization in crimmigration, ensures that non-citizens in criminal cases are not deported or receive other negative immigration consequences.  The office also does criminal defense cases, and personal injury.
   As an intern, it is my responsibility to provide full dedication and commitment to our families need. Whether this be providing water as they await for consultation too obtaining court records. It is my duty to ensure that the attorney has everything in order and ready before he goes to court. The people we serve are in unique and difficult situations, thus its important that I am always patient and willing to meet the demand of the clients. So from the moment they walk in the door to the moment they leave, I must be there attentive to their needs.

1 comment:

  1. This office sounds like an incredible experience. I hope it was everything you wanted out of it!
